What is the HCG Diet?

What is the HCG Diet?

What is the HCG Diet?...........

If you've ever been pregnant or have you may be pregnant, you have probably heard of HCG. This is the hormone that most pregnancy tests are tests for determining whether a pregnancy is present or not. HCG is a hormone produced by the placenta during the early stages of pregnancy. Amazingly, there is also a hormone that has been proven to help you lose weight. What is the HCG Diet?

What is HCG Diet What is the HCG diet?
Pregnancy confusion?

You do not have to be pregnant, which produce HCG hormone. It is only in the higher levels produced when you are pregnant. In fact, this hormone that is produced by men and women. This hormone is important for the function of metabolism. HCG tells the brain to instruct the start metabolism, with fat depots. While this usually means that the body sends more fat stores the uterus to the fetus during pregnancy if the pregnancy is not present, it means that your body is stored fat as fuel - what you burn, fat and lose weight.
How do I start?

The HCG diet requires that you take HCG injections every day. If you do this, you can expect to lose up to three pounds per day. That is a huge weight reduction. However, the injections are not alone. This diet also requires a fairly strict calorie intake by 500 calories per day. Due to the fact that injections are required, and the calorie intake so serious, you should never start the diet without the supervision of your doctor.
What are the results?

Weight loss is the most important result, but some experts believe that if you in so few calories every day, you have no choice in order to lose weight - even if you can not take the injections. HCG is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a weight loss drug.

What the FDA will tell you that HCG has been shown to fertility, is that your chances of getting pregnant while taking HCG injections to increase greatly increased. It's interesting how well that HCG is on the banned list of drugs for Major League Baseball note - right up there with steroids.

There are side effects with this diet, but it's hard to tell whether these side effects because of the HCG or the lack of calories. Side effects include headaches, mood swings, confusion, dizziness, depression and blood clots.


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