Good vs. Bad Carbohydrates

Good vs. Bad Carbohydrates

Good vs. Bad Carbohydrates............

Many people say on diets, if only they could lower their carbohydrate intake, they could lose some weight. While this may be true, did you know there are good and bad carbohydrates? The good carbohydrates are as complex carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates are called simple carbohydrates. Can you spot the difference and increase your good carb intake could be the difference that make the needle on the scale.

93246633 good versus bad carbohydrates - Do you know the difference?
Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are actually pretty simple. Basically, they all run on sugar - a simple sugar. These sugars are stored quickly into glucose in the body that can provide both the "fuel" for energy as fat and transformed. While there are some simple sugars, of course, most of which are included in processed and refined selection of foods such as sweets, sugary drinks like sodas and Kool-Aid and even white bread and pasta.
Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are definitely more complicated than the body much longer to process them, which is a good thing that lasts. Complex carbohydrates are a good carbohydrate, because with them comes plenty of known vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables all contain complex carbohydrates. There are many benefits that come with this version also healthier carb:

1. Fiber - The most foods with complex carbohydrates are high in fiber, which is a great controller for your digestive tract. In addition, fiber fills you faster, which means you eat less. And of course if you eat less, gain less weight. Women need usually 25 grams of fiber daily, while men need about 40 grams.

2. Weight Management - Most foods that have plenty of complex carbohydrates are less calories. Consider this - it takes more time to eat a 100 calorie apple than drink 100 calories in a soda. While both have 100 calories, the apple is nutritious, rich in fiber and fill up long after the soda leaves the body.

If you are faced with weight loss, keep a food diary for a few weeks. You will be surprised how many simple carbs you consume actually be surprised. Start replaces the simple (poor) to complex carbohydrates. Drink water, milk or even unsweetened tea instead of sugary juice or soda options. Pick whole-grain breads and pasta, white options. Bypass chocolate bar for a snack and take fruits, nuts or crackers and cheese.
Be careful of food labels

With the whole health kick going on, food manufacturers are on the moving train to jump. You will see more and more food labels that tout "organic ingredients, all natural and made with whole grains." The problem is that a food may have organic ingredients, but when the ingredients include sugar or white flour, you are not always complex carbohydrates, no matter how natural ingredients. As far as whole grains, if the food label mentions "enriched" and threw it back. You want to start the list of ingredients on the food label with "whole grain".

Complex carbohydrates should be at least three grams of fiber per serving and the food is not the best choice for you. Check your food labels and choose cereals, pasta, rice and bread, that at least three or more grams of fiber per serving, as they fill to provide fewer calories.

You can not go wrong when choosing vegetables and fruit because they are at your best go-to food when you have to fill your diet with complex carbohydrates. At least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day are needed in your diet. Add whole grains instead of refined white sugar and white flour products will help you a solid foundation for a healthy diet.


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