Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms.........

Vitamin D has received a lot of attention in recent years, and this relatively difficult vitamin deserves the hype. Proper nutrition is essential for individual well-being and vitamin D is a critical component for individuals for a variety of different reasons. Helps the body absorb calcium and prevent some types of health problems among the outstanding.

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Osteoporosis is a serious disease that affects bone. The body of the skeleton is brittle and very fragile. People with this condition have a high risk of bone fractures and structural problems in the skeleton. This condition is often attributed to a lack of calcium.

Vitamin D is important for people at risk for developing this condition because the vitamin helps the body absorb calcium. Petite women are particularly at risk and may choose to take advantage of their options with a doctor. Treatment with vitamin D and calcium can help take you to prevent and treat osteoporosis.
Other Bone Conditions

Osteoporosis is a long-term effect of inadequate calcium and vitamin D over time. Other conditions are a direct result of a deficiency of the vitamin. A person can develop osteomalicia or rickets if they do not get enough of this vitamin. Cases of these conditions are extreme and rare.

Vitamin D can be effective in preventing certain forms of cancer, especially cancer of the colon. Some suggest that the supplement can help cancer in the breast and prostate cancer, but more data must be collected to determine this question without. Studies are also conducted to determine if too much of the nutrient can lead to cancer in some people.
Other health problems

Vitamin D can be effective as well in the prevention or treatment of other conditions. More research is needed to determine whether the nutrient can treat:

• Diabetes (type 1 and 2)
• Glucose intolerance
• Multiple Sclerosis
• High blood pressure

The vitamin may also be helpful in preventing or treating other medical problems, but research is still ongoing. The simple fact that the vitamin helps the body absorb calcium effectively reason, effective enough to be among the nutrients in a balanced diet.
Foods that contain vitamin D

The vitamin is a bit hard, but the USDA National Nutrient Database can help people, this nutrient found in regular foods. Some foods contain vitamin D include:

• Fish liver oils
• meaty fish (tuna and salmon, for example)
• Cheese
• Eggs
• beef liver
• Some species of fungi

Fish is the best source of vitamin because they contain cheese, egg yolk and bovine liver relatively small amounts. Mushrooms provide a variable amount of the vitamin. Some foods such as milk, cereals and yogurt are fortified with vitamin D, making them an excellent choice.

Sun exposure is a surprising source of vitamin D, but it is important to remember that not retain the vitamin through glass Pass. The exposure should directly. Environmental factors such as pollution and clouds can interfere with absorption and. Sunscreens can affect the absorption, but five minutes in the sun without sunscreen two or three times a week is enough for an adequate supply. It is important to discuss this option with a doctor.


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