Best Diet for Eye Health

Best Diet for Eye Health

Best Diet for Eye Health............

The eyes are organs, which we often take for granted until something goes wrong with them. We must protect our eyes during our lifetime. A prescription for spectacles is not to say that enough is being done. Even those persons with impaired vision to do what is necessary to prevent further degeneration.

Eyes best diet for eye health

One of the recommended ways to protect the eyes, wear sunglasses to limit damage from UV rays. Other recommendations include avoiding reading in bad light, and start more regular eye checks to detect potential problems early. One of the best natural ways to care for the eyes is through food. Certain foods have been shown to be beneficial to eye health. Foods with a high level of nutrients that promote eye health are:

    * Carrots: Your mother knew what they talk about how they were told you carrots speak well for the eyes. They are rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene. This is known to protect the eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration.

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    * Turkey: This source of protein should not remain only on Thanksgiving in remembrance. Turkey is rich in niacin, which protect against cataracts and zinc, which is the eye health offers. Turkey is low in fat so it's a great addition to a healthy diet can be.
    * Spinach: There is no doubt that is a versatile vegetable spinach. It provides nutrients to promote good health, but when it comes to the eyes, it is particularly useful. Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which have been shown in studies to protect the retina. This helps the damage to be limited by harmful UV rays of the sun. It also contains beta-carotene and vitamin C play an important role for healthy eyes.
    * Fatty fish: fish such as salmon and sardines provide protection for the eyes with its high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Getting enough of this nutrient causes the blood vessels in the eyes stay healthy.
    * Capsicum: These have a high content of vitamin C to protect against damage from free radicals. They come in a variety of colors and can be brighter with each meal.
    * Sweet potatoes: The bright orange color of these potatoes is, they are another great source of beta-carotene.
    * Brussels sprouts: These are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients for eye protection for optimal

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It makes sense, the eyes, so to protect them until old age. Many older people suffer from cataracts caused by poor diet and sun damage. Limit your sun exposure and eat the right foods can have a lot to protect.


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