Pregnancy Superfoods that Benefit Both You and Your Unborn Baby

Pregnancy Superfoods that Benefit Both You and Your Unborn Baby

Pregnancy Superfoods that Benefit Both You and Your Unborn Baby.........

During pregnancy, you need to optimize your diet to foods aware that to provide the best building blocks for growing a healthy child. In addition, it is important to remember that you need about 250-350 extra calories during your second trimester when the baby key development occurs at this time. These extra calories should be well spent on nutrient-rich superfoods pregnancy.

Berry Super Foods that pregnancy can benefit you and your unborn baby

1. Berries - many berries, especially the dark color of blueberries and blackberries are plant nutrients that protect cells from harmful free radicals packed. Folic acid is packaged in berries critical to the development of the fetus and the carbs are "good" kind of vitamin C, fiber and potassium are additional beneficial ingredients essential for your baby.

2. Eggs - The proteins within the fragile shells of this animal by-product contains essential amino acids to promote fetal health accommodated. In addition, pack eggs beat up all in relation to minerals such as lutein and choline in addition to 3-fatty acids, an essential ingredient for optimal brain development and vision Omega.

3. Beans - legumes pregnancy superfood due to its high fiber content and the supply of iron, protein, folate, zinc and calcium - all building blocks to ensure an optimal baby health.

4. Milk - Vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus ... these bone-building nutrients are important not only for Mom, but also the development of the child. Milk provides plenty of B vitamins, protein and vitamin A. next

5. Beef - For the best possible development of the brain should be for your baby, expectant mothers like you eat lean meat. The niacin, protein, choline, vitamin B6 and B12 and zinc found in beef all work together to promote optimal cognitive function and a good building blocks for muscle growth.

6. Cheese - pasteurized cheese, such as milk supplies calcium and phosphorus for healthy bones for you and baby. In addition, magnesium, protein and vitamin B12 are additional nutrients important for good development of the fetus. Reduced fat varieties are just as useful as the normal types of pasteurized cheese.

7. Whole grains - Avoid processed cereals, which go into white rice, white flour and white bread and pasta. Choose whole grain options instead. Many whole grain products are fortified with iron, zinc, B vitamins and folic acid, a dietary component essential for brain development and the prevention of birth defects in babies.

8. Cold fish such as salmon and sardines - The Omega-3 fatty acids in cold-water fish such as salmon protect brain cells and vision. The B-vitamins and protein are good building blocks to protect fetal development.

9. Yogurt - Plain yogurt has not only zinc, protein and B vitamins, it also has more calcium per serving than regular milk. Natural yoghurt can be a little honey or fresh fruit to create a tasty snack or even increase antioxidants are jazzed.

10. Broccoli - This green cruciferous vegetable packs quite nutritional punch for you and your baby. The folic acid is important for normal fetal development during fiber and calcium are important for digestion and healthy bones. The carotenoids lutein and promote good vision, while potassium is good for heart health and blood pressure. Broccoli also provides the building blocks of your body to produce vitamin A

If you can processed foods with refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup and other additives to avoid, you can be your child a chance for the healthiest life. Choose to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables and low fat dairy products and whole grains in your diet. Her unborn child will benefit from pregnancy superfoods.


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