Importance of Folate During Pregnancy

Importance of Folate During Pregnancy

Importance of Folate During Pregnancy.........

An expectant mother's diet is important for the development of the fetus and the health of newborns. Poor nutrition can lead to low birth weight and health problems, such as the baby grows. A good diet helps to prevent complications during pregnancy.

Folic acid during pregnancy, the importance of folic acid during pregnancy
Important nutrients for pregnant women

Women need a reasonable amount of nutrients for optimal health and to improve their chances of getting pregnant. During pregnancy, however, certain nutrients are more important. These are:

Iron: A woman is increasing the blood supply to food for the fetus and result in poor iron consumption could make her anemic.
Calcium: It is for the pregnant, get the health of their bones, while providing the fetus too little calcium to develop strong bones and services.
Protein: The mother and child helps build and maintain muscle tissue.
Folic Acid: Necessary to protect against neural tube defects.

While pregnant women are usually recommended, get more of these nutrients, which is most often emphasized folic acid.
The importance of folic acid

This may be the most important nutrient an expectant mother have. Folic acid actually performs a number of functions. The best reason enough for that nutrient, that it referred to the risk of a birth defect spina bifida decreased. This lack some of the vertebrae around the spinal cord fail to form properly. In some cases, parts of the spinal cord protrude through the spaces between the bones. Folic acid supplementation in the form of folic acid has been shown to reduce the incidence of this disease by more than 75 percent.

Folic acid is a B vitamin that can be found in a range of foods. Its synthetic form, folic acid, and it occurs in a number of supplements available. Women are invited, as a rule, had taken folic acid during their childbearing age. Supplementation also prevents other neural tube defects such as anencephaly and encephalocele.

Fortunately, there are a number of options that can provide plenty of food with folic acid pregnant women. These include:

• Lenses
• Okra
• Beans
• Broccoli
• Spinach
• Avocados
• Brussels sprouts
• Corn
• Sunflower seeds
• orange juice
• Strawberries
• Eggs
• Beets
• Banana

Of course it is not difficult, folic acid, add the diet as these foods are readily available. Apart from helping to prevent birth defects folic acid plays an important role in protein synthesis. It is used for production of blood cells and helps to form. This is especially important for pregnant women to help increase the blood supply during this period in the supply of blood to the fetus. Folic acid also promotes the growth of the fetal tissue. Any woman thinking of becoming pregnant should discuss supplementation with their doctor. Adding some of the listed foods from their diet is also getting a good way to folic acid.


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