Foods to Make you Live Longer

Foods to Make you Live Longer

Foods to Make you Live Longer..............

Longevity is something that many people have things like bad habits and poor nutrition continue to affect life expectancy do. Improving the overall health and by years of your life can be achieved by eating sufficient quantities of the right foods. Many people will be surprised to learn that everything you need to live longer, you do not continue to have as your neighborhood grocery store look. As with any other therapy, health, the consistency is key.

VEG Fruit and Foods to help you live longer
Nutrients to promote good health

The simple fact is, while people want to live longer, many give for one or other reason not in the required effort. Fortunately, the nature of the process is easier by the nutrients we need to extend our life. Some of these important nutrients are:

• Fiber
• Lycopene
• Vitamin A
• Omega-3 fatty acids
• Vitamin C
• Antioxidants
• Calcium
Foods for Longevity

As always, it is best to start early, when it comes to improving the quality of life of adding these foods to your diet. Fortunately, you can extend your life and the quality of life by these foods no matter what your age. The list of foods that help you live, include longer is:

Broccoli: Choked full of vitamin C, this vegetable even beats from many fruits ounce for ounce There is also a good source of fiber and calcium. It is best to eat it cooked or raw. Add cheese to steamed broccoli can help to try to even the most stubborn children, it. It stimulates the production of cancer fighting substances in the body and may help prevent cataracts and heart disease.

Oily fish: These are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Good choices include trout, mackerel and salmon. Getting enough of these types of fish in the diet can help to prevent attacks, and they have a positive effect on cholesterol levels.

Oats: This simple grain is not so easy when it comes to health benefits. They are a great source of fiber and calcium, and shown to lower cholesterol. Oats are also rich in protein, which is particularly important as we age is.

Tomatoes: They are rich in antioxidants lycopene. While raw tomatoes are well cooked tomatoes are even better, with higher levels of the antioxidant. It can also protect the body against certain types of cancer including prostate cancer.

Romaine lettuce: It's hard to imagine a salad without salad, and as far as nutritional value goes, this is the best option. Romaine lettuce contains a number of health-promoting nutrients such as vitamins A, C and K and folic acid, are particularly important for women in their childbearing years.

Cranberries: These are rich in vitamin C and the antioxidant quercetin. Cranberries work to help prevent urinary tract infections and cancer and to prevent bacteria building of the body.

Chamomile: This is a great stress relief, which is important since stress can take years from your life. This may take the form of tea bags in supermarkets and health food stores to find.

There are many other foods, good health and long life to promote. Information readily available to improve your diet. It is important to ensure that bright and dark leafy vegetables are on the plate, and increase your intake of water when this is lacking. Fruit and many herbs are also known to help improve health and promote longevity.


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