Eat Chocolate without Guilt

Eat Chocolate without Guilt

Eat Chocolate without Guilt.............

They know the importance of eating your fruits and vegetables - the healthy foods that are produced from the earth. As you eat these foods, and know that the foods are healthy for you, why you would not even chocolate in the list of healthy earth produced food? Chocolate is cocoa, which is cultivated.

Eat chocolate without guilt eat chocolate without guilt
Dark Chocolate vegetables compared

How dark vegetables are important because they contain flavonoids and antioxidants, chocolate also contains these things. However, it is dark chocolate is healthy - not white chocolate, milk chocolate, or other types of chocolate. If you consume dark chocolate, you are actually consuming eight times the number of antioxidants that you consume, if you would eat strawberries.
Dark Chocolate and Your Heart

The flavonoids in dark chocolate and antioxidants work to protect your heart, because they help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Many people mistakenly think that dark chocolate contains fat, that is not good for you. This is not true. Dark chocolate contains oleic acid, stearic acid and palmitic acid - all fats - and all fats are actually good for you and your heart.

If you do not want to believe, consider the fact that olive oil contains oleic acid. Although stearic acid and palmitic acid are saturated fats, drink in moderation, they have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Make sure you know that too much of that saturated fats lead to heart disease and high cholesterol, or the opposite of what you hope to achieve, if you lead consume chocolate.
The other health benefits of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate causes the body and brain to more of certain hormones, such as produce endorphins and serotonin. These two hormones actually increase your well-being and make you happier - so that they act as natural anti-depressants. It is not surprising that so many people crave chocolate when they have the blues! In addition, chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which stimulates actually gives you more power.

While these facts do not mean you should indulge in chocolate on the top, they mean you need to do are a little dark chocolate every day in your diet. Just a bite or two of good dark chocolate per day, you get all the health benefits you need to develop out of the dark chocolate, without it takes to gain weight, or problems with the consumption of unhealthy fats. The key to good health has always been - and always will be - presented.


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