Causes of Peripheral Artery Disease

Causes of Peripheral Artery Disease

Causes of Peripheral Artery Disease...........

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is also known as peripheral arterial disease, or peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD). These conditions are illness related to blockages or poor circulation in the veins of the arms or legs. As with many types of diseases, the causes are largely due to lifestyle factors, although they are caused by other health conditions, as well.

Causes of peripheral arterial
Lifestyle factors

Smoke: It is not only smokers who are at increased risk for this condition, but also people exposed to second hand smoke. Smoking is the major cause of PAD, which can be avoided. Smoking affects the blood vessels by damaging the lining of the vessels.

Occupation: jobs that much sitting or standing may require the valves in the blood vessels weaken the legs. If this happens, the blood in the legs than the veins can not send the blood back to the heart.

Obesity: Being overweight can significantly increase individual opportunities for the development of this condition. This is based on a combination of factors such as lack of activity and bad eating habits. Obesity is seen as a predictor of vascular problems and heart disease.

Nutrition: This is largely a preventable cause of PAD. A diet high in fat and cholesterol can form plaque in the arteries that leads to the blood flow to a limited number of problems. Even if the individual is not obese, poor diet still presents a serious risk.
Health problems

Diabetes: This disease increases the risk of developing problems with peripheral arteries. This risk is even greater if the smoking diabetics. Unfortunately, circulation problems usually lead to amputation in some diabetics.

High cholesterol: People who suffer from dyslipidemia are at risk for developing PAD. This happens when are the body's total cholesterol and trygliceride too high. This can be helped by drastic changes in diet.

High Blood Pressure: This condition leads to an increase in strain is placed on the blood vessels and valves. This increases the risk of patients developing as well as their prone to serious events such as heart attack or stroke, PAD.

Additional factors that a person's risk of developing PAD can increase includes:

    * About 50 or male.
    * African-Americans have shown to suffer a higher propensity for developing this disease. However, this could be linked to external factors such as health education, seek access to adequate health care or unwillingness to see a doctor.
    * If you have a family or personal history of heart attack, stroke or any type of vessel problem, is also at risk.

A healthy lifestyle that is required for physical activity and proper diet go a long way to prevent this serious condition. Alternative medicine has also proven to be very effective as a treatment option. One of the most successful methods is the chelation therapy. With this therapy, heavy metals are not removed surgically from the body. This helps by removing some of the plaque in the vessel walls leads to improved blood circulation. Some people with PAD have reported improved pain management with acupuncture.


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